Eco Church
What is an Eco Church?
Eco-Church is an initative set up by the UK based A Rocha charity, aiming to connect faith, nature, and climate.
As Christians we are called to look after the earth, and all that is living on it - from the tiny insects to the giant blue whale, and beyond!
Our 2023 Goals
We are only just starting out - so nothing too drastic! But we want to work with those already established within our Crosspool community, supporting them and building together.
Additionally, we aim to assess the garden at the back of St Columba’s and turn it into somewhere we can grow! A community garden, insect hotels, and finding native plants to encourage and support local wildlife are all top of our list.Watch this space to find out where we go next!
Feeling inspired?
There are so many little ways you can change your individual impact on the planet. Some starting points that are good for the planet (and for your wallet!) are: buying food locally rather than imported; taking public transport where possible; buying second hand clothes rather than fast fashion; and using apps like ‘Too Good To Go’ to help reduce food waste.