Family Fun Friday
Family Fun Friday is a group that meets once a month on the 1st Friday of the month (even during school holidays) at Stephen Hill Church at 6.30pm - 8.00pm.
This is a group where all the family can come together, enjoy a Friday evening together and connect while playing games, watching films and making crafts. We also have prayer stations, and of course, most importantly, share snacks. This is a fun Friday night out for all to enjoy.
There is a £3.00 entry for the whole family.
Family Fun Friday Bags
These are created to order now, please email Tara at: tara.osborne@stcolumbacrosspool.org.uk
These are bags full of fun activities for the family to borrow for the weekend. Each contains a game, DVD, craft, prayer station or activity and a feedback sheet - not forgetting popcorn for the family to share. The first bag you borrow is free; subsequent months there is a charge of £2. We change the bags throughout the year as appropriate to the seasons.
If you would like to find out more information,