Stepping Stones
Stepping Stones - Currently NOT meeting
Stepping Stones usually meets twice a month in St Columba’s Church and hall on the 1st and 3rd Friday of the month at 1:30pm until 3:00pm. This is a group for mums, dads or guardians with babies, toddlers and pre-school children. We come together to have fun with toys and crafts. We love our bible story time and songs too. We enjoy chatting with each other and making connections into friendships. This is a great group to come and connect with.
Please email Tara at: Childrens@stcolumbacrosspool.org.uk for up-to-date information. I
Bumps, Babies, and Bairns
Bumps, Babies, and Bairns meets every Tuesday at Stephen Hill from 10:00 till 11:30 Term Time Only for pre-school children, toddlers, babies and expectant mums. We gather in the Church hall. We offer tea, biscuits, play time, and age-appropriate learning for the children. We enjoy nursery rhymes; we also celebrate children’s birthdays and sometimes offer crafts. This is a lovely welcoming group, where you can meet in an informal way and enjoy making new friendships in the community. We charge £2 per family to attend the session and use the facilities - this includes a drink and biscuits for you and your children.
If you would like to find out more information: