Global Community
Our Mission Partners
We have a long record of partnership with overseas mission workers for various charities. This involves providing prayer and financial support and maintaining contact with those overseas on a regular basis, in recent years largely via e-mails including with our Church Mission Society (CMS) partners in Thailand.
St Columba’s relationship with mission partners working for MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship) in East Africa reaches back for over 20 years. MAF provides support for a wide range of ‘customers’ ranging from UN agencies, international charities and churches to small mission groups and needy individuals through flights to many different sites, often using small, remote and primitive landing areas. Our current link is in Uganda. MAF’s work is crucial in saving or improving the lives of many people in this and other parts of the world.
A further link is with Dave and Helen Smithers who have been working with community groups with SIM (Serving in Mission) in Pakistan.
We charitably support Christian Aid in our prayers and financially during Christian Aid Week.
For more information please see: Christian Aid Week 2021 - Christian Aid
We pray for and support the charity: Open Doors. For more information please see: Serving Persecuted Christians Worldwide - Home - Open Doors UK & Ireland
Environmental Mission
The Anglican Communion has identified Five Marks of Mission. All five have implications for our relationship with the Creation:
- To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom – including the vision that all created things hold together in Christ
- To teach, baptise and nurture new believers – reminding us all that being Christ’s disciples means being content with enough
- To respond to human need by loving service – including serving our global neighbours suffering because of environmental degradation or climate change
- To transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and pursue peace and reconciliation – including challenging structures that deny access to natural resources for meeting the human needs both now and in the future
- To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth – to live in harmony with Creation, caring for the natural world and treading lightly on the earth