Crosspool Memory Cafe
Open to everyone, those living alone, those with memory issues and their supporters and anyone who would like to be invoved. Contact admin@stcolumbacrosspool for more information or ring 2670006

Family Fun Friday
Something for all the family - big screen movie, crafts, games, tuck shop and much more…
£3 entry for the whole family

Morning Service
All are welcome. All together service - Theme - Zachaeus - Today salvation has come!

SacREd Space -
Making a home for the fruits of the Spirit “Peace” - : at St Columba Church

Holy Week: MONDAY
Holy Week Meditations: St Columba, Stephen Hill and Tapton Hill Congregational Churches

Holy Week : Maundy Thursday
Maundy Thursday service followed by food at Tapton Hill Congregational church

Morning Service
All are welcome. Theme: Easter Sunday This service includes Holy Communion

Morning Service
All are welcome. Theme The Loving Father and the lost sons. This service includes Holy Communion

Family Fun Friday
Something for all the family - big screen movie, crafts, games, tuck shop and much more…
£3 entry for the whole family

Pancake drop in
Come along and make a pancake, 3-4pm - Bring your favourite topping! At St Columba

Crosspool Memory Cafe
Open to everyone, those living alone, those with memory issues and their supporters and anyone who would like to be invoved. Contact admin@stcolumbacrosspool for more information or ring 2670006

Family Fun Friday
Something for all the family - big screen movie, crafts, games, tuck shop and much more…
£3 entry for the whole family

Family Fun Friday
Something for all the family - big screen movie, crafts, games, tuck shop and much more…
£3 entry for the whole family

Family Fun Friday
Something for all the family - big screen movie, crafts, games, tuck shop and much more…
£3 entry for the whole family

Family Fun Friday
Something for all the family - big screen movie, crafts, games, tuck shop and much more…
£3 entry for the whole family