What’s On?
Regular Events:
The following community groups meet on a regular basis:
- Rainbows, Brownies and Guides
- Scouts, Cubs, and Beavers
- Crosspool Forum Open Meetings
- Crosspool Women’s Institute, third Monday in the month, 7–9 pm
- Pilates Classes on Mondays at 6pm & Tuesdays at 1pm
- Keep fit Classes on Thursdays at 10.30am
- Yoga Classes on Thursdays at 12 noon
- Imagine Youth Theatre on Fridays at 5-7pm
- Dinky Discoverers on Wednesdays & Thursdays 9am
- Hobbytime on Mondays 10am
- Bloom Baby Classes on Monday mornings Term Time Only
- Minimovez classes on Friday 9.30am Term Time Only
Stephen Hill : What’s on?
During the week our rooms are used for a wide range of church and community-based activities for all ages and a broad spectrum of interests. Our annual pantomime put on by a youth group has been a renowned local event for over 50 years.
We run Luncheon Clubs for our older members and a range of activities for families on Sundays and during the week, including Men’s and Ladies Groups, badminton or dancing and a further list of activities. We run several social events such as concerts on various week nights throughout the year. Issues of global justice are supported through activities and fundraising for organisations such as Aquabox, Christian Aid, Embrace and All We Can. And we have a monthly Carers’ Cafe
At Stephen Hill During the week we have:-
Hobbytime .. Monday 10am term time
Keep Fit..... Monday 2pm term time
Beavers /Cubs Monday from 5.30pm term time
Chorale rehearsals Monday 7.30pm term time
Carer's Cafe Monday 10.30 am 4th in month.
Crosspool WI Monday 1pm 4th in month
Crosspool Artists Monday 2pm term time
Scouts Monday 7.30 pm
Pilates Tuesday 1pm
Pilates Tuesday 6pm and 7pm
Keep Fit Tuesday 3pm
Bumps, Babies and bairns Tuesday 10am
Rock Project Tuesday 3.30pm
Luncheon Club Wednesday noon
Rainbows /Brownies Wednesday from 5.30 pm
Sewing Club Wednesday 6pm
Yoga Thursday 1pm
RVCG Thursday 7.30pm 2nd in month
Sing and Sign Thursday 9.30 am pre school
Scouts Thursday 7.30 pm
Junior Badminton Thursday 6.30pm
Keep fit Friday 10am
Family Fun Friday Friday 6.30pm 1st in month.
Rhythm Time Friday 9am
Knit and Natter Friday 10am part of WI
Dance Class Saturday 9.30am
Why not join us at Stephen Hill for coffee and a chat every Monday at 10am...you will be made very welcome.
For more details of the above events at Stephen Hill please contact Trevor
on 2667073 or 2306834
A weekly News Sheet ‘Grapevine’ is produced, copies of which are available on our website and in GT News, Crosspool.