Meet the team
Rev Tracey Morris Priest-in-Charge of St Columba's & Authorised Minister of Stephen Hill
Steve Ellis, Reader
Steve has four children and eight grandchildren. A long term Crosspool resident, and former school teacher, Steve worked for the same company in Sheffield for nearly thirty five years, and is now retired.
Tara Osborne, Children & Families Worker
I am a passionate Christian who wants to see God’s kingdom grow full of children and families. I love doing action songs and getting messy doing crafts. I spend my time looking at new children's materials to help their faith grow. I love worship music and prayer stations. The vision I have for Crosspool is to see the different churches and all ages come together as one and rejoice in the Lord.
Brenda Nelson, Assistant Church Warden and Safeguarding Officer
Brenda Nelson, a retired practice nurse at a local GP surgery is our Church Warden. A Trustee since May 2012, Brenda has given many years of dedicated service. Brenda is currently a lead coordinator at the Vaccine Hub and coordinates volunteers. When not volunteering herself, Brenda is a keen cyclist. Brenda has three very grown-up children and is blessed with five grandchildren.
Jacky Hodgson, Church Warden
Jacky is one of our Church Wardens, having been heavily involved for many years in the life of the church and community, including working as our Gift Aid secretary. She is a retired librarian and Nanna to two grandsons.
Richard Wales, Church Warden
Richard 's skills as a surveyor means he's handy at scaling ladders and helping us keep our building shipshape. However he's also very much a people person, and he and his wife Liz are both members of our Pastoral Care Team.
Mary Parker, Steward at Stephen Hill
Stewards at Stephen Hill are there to welcome you into church and to help in making the services run smoothly as well as to support the preacher/leader in whatever way is necessary.
Trevor Wilson, Lettings Team
I am on the lettings team, serve on the Property Committee and get involved with supporting Aquabox. We regularly also support Methodist Home Missions and Methodist World Missions. Our two main Church charities for this year are
Neil Craig
I'm Neil and I am a Methodist local preacher planning and leading worship services. I support the IT and AV provision which has allowed us to make services available online over lockdown. I also coordinate the Christian Aid activities in our churches