Youth & Uniformed groups
Youth Group
Currently not meeting
Uniformed Groups
Girlguiding in Crosspool
Currently in Crosspool there are 2 Brownie Units and 1 Guide Unit.
Brownies and Guides do many activities, including playing games, cooking, crafts, badge work and guiding challenges. They enjoy the outdoors, weaselling, climbing, water sports, cooking on open fires. They also enjoy residential camps and holidays.
The units are part of Girlguiding Sheffield, who are part of Girlguiding UK. For more information and to register your interest www.girlguiding.org.uk/joinus
Our sessions:
49th St Columba’s Brownies 6:15 to 7:30 p.m.
49th St Columba’s Guides 7:30 to 9:00 p.m.
36th Stephen Hill Brownies 6.30 to 7.45 p.m.
For 36th Stephen Hill Brownies: stephenhillbrownies@hotmail.co.uk
For 49th St Columba Brownies: 49thsheffieldbrownies@gmail.com
For 49th St Columba Guides: stcolumbaguides@hotmail.co.uk
Scouting in Crosspool
Based in the Crosspool area of Sheffield, we are an active scout group with members ranging from 6 to 14 years old. Interested in joining or volunteering?
Why should you scout? Try over 200 activities, make new friends, have fun, get outdoors, and learn many new and exciting things!
Our sessions:
Beavers 5.30-6.30- new leader starting soon
Cubs 6.30-8 pm run by Rachel Suddrick and Beckie Howe
Scouts 8- 9.30 run by Luke Oldham
Scouts 8-9.30 run by Ian Butler
If you would like to find out more information: