Local Community
Vaccination Hub
In autumn 2020, the two church sites provided venues for flu vaccinations, so they could be done efficiently in the pandemic.
Following this, the Primary Care Network asked to use the St Columba’s site as a Covid vaccination centre. Keen to serve the community and knowing that the vaccinations were the most important issue at the moment, the joint leadership team agreed that they could dedicate the St Columba’s site to this purpose and use Stephen Hill for worship services and other permitted community activities.
Preparations began before Christmas and involved much liaison between church members, the GP practices, NHS England, the Care Quality Commission and the CCG. The first vaccinations began on 8th January 2020, and continued until Phases one and two of the programme had been completed in August, when over 38,000 doses had been administered and all over 18s had been offered first and second doses.
Phase three will start in September offering booster doses, and we expect this programme to run until early December.
It is important to recognise the commitment of the medics who cover this work in addition to their day jobs, our church community for being willing to respond to the new situation, and Tapton Congregational church who, with the other churches and members of the Crosspool community, supply amazing volunteers as marshals and snow clearers.
To experience the medical staff, the church family and the community working so hard together, without complaint, for the common good is and will continue to be an unforgettable experience.
Crosspool Lunch Club at Stephen Hill
We meet every Wednesday at 12:30pm –1:45pm. The Club is open to all over 70s . Come and join us in the Oxford hall for a main meal and a pudding with a cup of tea at the end. You can enjoy getting out of the house at least once a week and meeting others in a friendly environment.
We are very grateful for the team of helpers who regularly cook, set and clear tables and wash up. Their reliability, good humour and hard work make providing lunches a pleasure. We always have room for more helpers if you can spare the time!
We charge £5 per person and all are welcome.
For further information contact Kathryn Smith:- 0114 2667089 or 07305564001
Care in Crosspool
In 1986 Care in Crosspool started linking volunteers to those in need locally. We try to help anyone in the local community as far as we are able – the vast majority of our clients are elderly. Our strength is in befriending – either with a regular visit to someone on their own, or a sitter whilst a carer goes out, but we will try to help with other requests if possible.
We are a registered charity and are always looking for new volunteers. You have to be over 18, supply references and have a Disclosure and Barring check carried out. You will be given a photo identity card and we pay any travel expenses.
If we can help you, or someone you know, or if you’d like to know more about volunteering, ring 0114 267 0045 – we have a 24 hour answer machine covering the office.
Food Bank
St Columba and Stephen Hill Churches collect donations 24/7 for the Firvale Food bank. Please leave your invaluable donations of food (long dates, not perishable please) in the plastic box on the porch at St Columba. Vital food is distributed every Friday to families and individuals in need.
Monetary donations can be posted through St Columba’s letterbox, marked ‘Food bank’.
Soup Run:
We are privileged to bring together colleagues from St Columba, Stephen Hill and Tapton Congregational as ‘one team’ where Crosspool takes responsibility for alternative Mondays in the Sheffield City Soup Run. We participate in the rota made up of Churches throughout the city. We have over 30 volunteers who either make sandwiches, hot drinks or soup, or who distribute and chat to the customers. We are very grateful to those who volunteer and to those who also donate blankets, sleeping bags and clothing. It is great to see local people who do not have a direct connection with our three Churches, also volunteering.
We welcome new volunteers and we would particularly appreciate some more men to help distribute and chat. The people who come along for the sandwich and soup are nearly always very grateful and appreciative. There are around a dozen or so regulars and others who come and go. Usually there are around twenty to twenty-five people in total. There is a mix of all ages and mainly men.
Annually, there is a short break for the summer and Soup Run returns after the break around the beginning of September.