Open Room Sessions
Open Room sessions occur on a Wednesday night at 7.00 pm via zoom on the following monthly rolling programme of:
About Open Room Sessions
Wrestling With Angels (led by Steve & Briony):
This is where we discuss faith in relation to topical issues like Black Lives Matter, Sexuality, Climate Change, Inter-Faith, Poverty.
Looking at Bible Stories through Middle Eastern Eyes (led by Kate & Neil):
Here we see if the context of 1st Century Middle Eastern can help us understand the meaning of Bible stories. The emphasis is on an open sharing of ideas and a questioning approach.
Hard Times Require Furious Dancing (led by Clare & Adrian):
This rather strange title came about because many of us felt we needed inspiration from the Arts to help us through Covid lockdown. So we come along with poems, writing, pictures, music, dance - anything which has inspired us. Of course you are welcome even if you do not bring anything to share.
Timetable: (a rolling schedule)
If you would like to join one or more of these sessions