Messy Church
Messy Church is a form of church for children and adults of all ages that involves creativity, celebration and hospitality.
What Messy Church is and isn't | Messy Church
Currently we are not running Messy Church

Outdoor Church
Outdoor Church meets up on the last Sunday of the month outside Stephen Hill Church at 10.00am returning at 11.30am. We welcome all to outdoor church from just learning to walk up to experienced walkers and families. This group only meets from May to October, 6 months out of the year.
We go on a nature walk and explore not only what is around us but our faith. We have a planned stop on the walk for a snack and bible story with craft and play group games, encouraging each other in our exploring together. We finish with a prayer. All children get an activity pack on arrival, so we do ask you to book in advance (contact Tara, below) so your little ones can receive a pack for the journey ahead. This is a great group if you have children that like exploring and running around.
If you would like to find out more information,