Caring Resources

Over this festive period, many of us within church want to find new ways in which we can support and help those around us. Lately, we have been looking at the work that Sheffield Carers Center does and feel inspired to share that with you all. They realise that many people don’t recognise themselves as carer’s and so continue to work and support relatives or friends without using the services that Sheffield offers which would reduce the impact of providing care. This short video they made features six unpaid carers sharing their real-life experiences and advice about the services they use.

Additionally, this webinar provided by the Methodist Connexional Safeguarding Team is full of resources and advice on how you can support both those who need care, and those providing that care.

It focuses primarily on: 

  • Dementia awareness raising,

  • the theology of personhood and spirituality in dementia,

  • safeguarding vulnerable adults with dementia

  • practical tips on making our church buildings more dementia-friendly,

  • advice on understanding ‘challenging’ behaviours and

  • positive stories from Methodist churches who already are leading in this area.



